Monday, April 5, 2010

Crossroads of Dixie

      This area was able to develop and prosper because it was strategically situated at the crossroads of two major paths. One of the roads  was an old Indian Path that ran from East to West that Charles McClung helped survey in 1782. At the time is was known as the "Big Road", later known as "Dixie Highway", it linked Baltimore and Knoxville.Today it is the basic path of 11E. The other road was the "Buffalo Trail", which according to stories, was created by the buffalos seeking the salt licks near Powell's Valley. This road connected Detroit and Miami.  Today it is the basic path Highway 25E. The "Crossroads of Dixie" as it would later become to be know as, was the path where these two road intersected. Today it is better known as the intersection of Cumberland and Main Streets.
      Over the years their must have been many travelers to pass through on foot, horseback, and carriage. Men of great importance walked this ground long before they were condemned to the pages of a history book. Names like John Sevier, Daniel Boon, Davy Crockett, Sam Huston, and possibly even U.S. Presidents like Andrew Johnson who lived nearby and possibly others who were known to visit in neighboring towns.
     Before Hamblen County was formed,  before Morristown was incorporated, and even before the State of Tennessee was formed, there were two paths that crossed. The importance of the meeting of these two roads is almost unknown, the names of the people who traveled this way before us, have been lost to time and to most people, the importance of this land has faded. The people who love this area should thank that people whom they walk in the footsteps of.

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