Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Morristown General Hospital

Morristown Gazette - February 2nd 1916

$18,000 Hospital Now Completed
A modern Building Well-Equipped - Valuable Asset to Town

     The new $18,000 building for the Morristown General Hospital has been completed and now is ready to be occupied. It is located on a desirable plot of ground on West Fourth North Street. The building is veneered brick with granite facings, three stories, and of beautiful architectural design. It is modern in all of its details and no essential has been been overlooked in its construction. Its equipment has been carefully looked ofter and includes the most improved furnishings and facilities for hospital purposes. The building is thoroughly up-to-date inside and out, and is a great credit to its promoters and the city of Morristown. Outside of Knoxville and Chattanooga the Morristown General Hospital will rank as the best, most complete and commodious in East Tennessee.

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